
ABC Western Pennsylvania Chapter

Latest News and Trends in the Construction Industry


 Associated Builders & Contractors, Keystone Chapter,Opposes House Bill 2153 

"This legislation would extend prevailing wage beyond an actual construction job site, something that is not currently in place anywhere else in the law today, and it would do it on publicly funded housing. At a time when housing stock is low and prices are high, this is exactly the wrong policy to take up."
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Letter to the editor: Biden should honor workers' choices on unions

"New White House regulations on prevailing wages, apprenticeship programs and project labor agreements for federal and federally assisted construction projects disproportionately benefit unionized workers and contractors. Consequently, nearly 8 out of 10 of Pennsylvania’s construction workers, who have consistently delivered high-quality roads, bridges and schools without union affiliation, are sidelined."
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Letter to the editor: Shapiro’s ‘Union strong’ is only at 10%

"Gov. Shapiro playfully puts out that he wants his administration to “Get S@&! Done” but only focuses on 10% of the construction workforce. I strongly suggest, if this is genuine, that he reach out to the rest of the workforce that is nonunion and be amazed at what more gets done."
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